Monday, February 6, 2012

Spartan Reader: Tengo Hambre

Unless you are fluent in Spanish, you're probably wondering what the title "tengo hambre" means. The literal translation is "pin this," and that is exactly what people are doing on the fast-growing website, Pinterest. Forget Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is the new online site that everyone is visiting. I was introduced to this fun and somewhat addicting website by a friend of mine, an art major in college. I had never heard of such a website before, but she said it was all the rage at colleges everywhere. The next day when I joined, I had a few friends on Pinterest, but that is nowhere near the now hundreds of friends I have testing out the site. The number of users is growing exponentially, creating a flood of fresh ideas available on the network.

Pinterest ingeniously combines the creativity and individualism found on blogs with the social networking aspects found on Facebook and Twitter. One look at the website is sure to bring out anyone's inner "Martha Stewart." Upon creating a personal account, you are able to create virtual boards and organize them however you like. To these boards, you can pin images, ideas, videos, or quotes that appear anywhere on the Pinterest site. People are able to post their own creative ideas on fashion, decor, games, and more for other users to look at and "repin" if they like the idea and want to keep it on their personal board.

This site is a great way to get ideas, and it has just about anything you could imagine all in one location. The online page has an artsy flare that is apparent as you scroll through pages and pages of unique ideas. Just looking at that website gives you a sense of accomplishment and can really get your creative juices flowing. It is an inspiration to step outside of the box and be creative in every aspect of your life. Positivity is the common thread that runs through everything that appears on Pinterest, and that is a rare and valuable thing to have on the internet these days.

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